For Immediate Release
Fifteen individuals have been appointed to the Drinking Water Source Protection Committee (SPC) for the Saugeen, Grey Sauble, Northern Bruce Peninsula Source Protection Region.
“I am pleased to announce the selection of Committee members,” stated Doug Freiburger, Chair of the Saugeen Valley Source Protection Authority, the lead local agency in source protection.
“The appointment of SPC members marks another milestone in local source protection efforts.”
The SPC will oversee the planning process to establish programs and policies to protect municipal drinking water sources in this region, as called for under the Clean Water Act, 2006,
and its regulations. Development of the Source Protection Plan may take up to five years. Over the next several months, however, members will form the rules of procedure, code of conduct
and conflict of interest policies for the SPC. As well, the SPC will be working on the Terms of Reference that will outline which drinking water systems will be studied and a workplan for the
preparation of the assessment report and source protection plan.
“I am really looking forward to working with all the committee members,” stated Michael Traynor, Chair of the Source Protection Committee. “The input of the Committee, and that of the
public, will be very important.”
Five municipal representatives were appointed by the Saugeen Valley Source Protection Authority from nominations submitted by municipalities. The twentyone municipalities in the
Source Protection Region were assigned into five groupings with each grouping allotted one representative. The municipalities in the groupings were invited to submit their list of nominees
and a selection was made from the list.
The selection of the five sectoral and five other interest members was made from applications submitted by individuals. The positions were widely advertised in the region for a two month
period. The strong interest shown in the SPC positions and the wealth of qualifications amongst the applicants reflects well on the awareness of water issues in the region.
A list of the appointments is shown in the table below. More information on the source protection program and the Source Protection Committee is available on the local Drinking
Water Source Protection website:
Members of the Saugeen, Grey Sauble, Northern Bruce Peninsula Source Protection Committee
Mike Traynor (appointed Aug. 2007 by Minister of the Environment)
Municipal (5)
Brad McRoberts Group 1 – Northern Bruce Peninsula, South Bruce Peninsula, Georgian Bluffs
Mitch Twolan Group 2 – Saugeen Shores, Kincardine, Huron Kinloss
Les Nichols Group 3 – ArranElderslie, Brockton, South Bruce, Howick, Morris Turnberry
Howard Greig Group 4 – Chatsworth, West Grey, Hanover,Southgate, Wellington North, Minto
Bill Twaddle Group 5 – Owen Sound, Meaford, The Blue Mountains, Grey Highlands
Agricultural (3)
Dr. David Biesenthal Farmer – Brockton
Robert Emerson Farmer – HuronKinloss
Brent Lanktree Farmer – The Blue Mountains
Industrial (1)
Sandy Gott Water bottling company – Grey Highlands
Commercial (1)
Mark Kraemer Business owner – Saugeen Shores
Other Interests (5)
Dale Thompson Environment (Northern Bruce Peninsula resident)
Les MacKinnon Environment (Grey Highlands resident)
Lou D’Alessandro Health (Owen Sound resident)
Bruce Davidson Public (Brockton resident)
Carolyn Day Public (Saugeen Shores resident)
David Ellingwood, Communications Specialist, Saugeen, Grey Sauble, Northern Bruce Peninsula Source Protection Region, at (519) 376-3076 x. 246 or e-mail