Amidst and respecting the restrictions of the current pandemic, The Source Protection Committee (SPC) has approved this source protection region’s annual progress report for submission to the Province of Ontario. This progress report documents the achievements we have made together to implement source protection plan policies that add protection to local municipal drinking water sources. To view the full report – 2019 Annual Report or visit the Publications Page.
“The Committee has spent more than 12 years developing the Source Protection Plan and its policies. Now, to see implementation going well is rewarding,” said Committee Chair Bill Twaddle. The local Source Protection Authorities and Source Protection Committee has been able to meet its regulatory requirements under the Clean Water Act during these difficult times by holding meetings electronically. “The dedication and commitment of the local Source Protection Committee and Authority members is evident in their willingness to participate remotely with the Annual Report review process. Reviewing the annual progress report results and knowing that we are all doing our part to protect our region’s drinking water sources confirms why we got involved in this critical program.”
The following newsletter provides highlights to the 2019 Annual Report.