On Friday May 8, 2015 the Source Protection Committee (SPC) for the Saugeen, Grey Sauble, Northern Bruce Peninsula Source Protection Region passed a motion to approve the Updated Proposed Source Protection Plan.
Photo1: Source Protection Committee Members, local Conservation Authority General Managers and members, Drinking Water Source Protection staff and Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change staff gather after meeting for a photo to mark occasion.
Photo 2: other current Source Protection Committee members not present for photo at meeting. Les MacKinnon, Andrew Barton, Dale Thompson and Carolyn Parker.
The local Source Protection Committee has spent the last eight years reviewing technical work and documents with the goal of protecting water in the Saugeen, Grey Sauble, Northern Bruce Peninsula Source Protection Region for present and future generations.
The Updated Proposed Source Protection Plan numbers in the hundreds of pages and addresses 19 potential threats to drinking water sources in the Saugeen, Grey Sauble, Northern Bruce Peninsula Source Protection Region. It includes policies to reduce or eliminate these threats as well as reduce the risk of contamination and overuse to local drinking water sources as identified in the local Assessment Reports. The process to create this document involved much discussion with local stakeholders as well as comments from municipalities, planning officials, local agriculture groups, implementing bodies and the general public.
The schedule going forward is that the Source Protection Authorities: Saugeen Valley, Grey Sauble, and Northern Bruce Peninsula will each meet regarding the Updated Source Protection Plan and Revised Assessment Report documents and then all the documents will be submitted to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) on June 30, 2015.