For Immediate Release – April 3, 2016
Owen Sound –The Saugeen, Grey Sauble, Northern Bruce Peninsula Source Protection Region is pleased to announce that William (Bill) Twaddle has been appointed as Chair of the Drinking Water Source Protection Committee for the local source protection planning region, effective March 22, 2017.
The new Chair was chosen by the Hon. Glen R. Murray, Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, after considering a locally-developed short list of qualified nominees. Mr. Twaddle’s appointment is a benchmark event for the on-going process of Source Protection Plan implementation for the Saugeen, Grey Sauble, Northern Bruce Peninsula Source Protection Committee (SPC). The SPC oversees the planning process to establish programs and policies to protect municipal drinking water sources in this region, as called for under the Clean Water Act, 2006, and its regulations. The local Source Protection Plan was approved and became effective in July of 2016.
“I am very much looking forward to my new role as Chair of the Source Protection Committee and working with the Committee members, with whom I have built strong working relationships,” Mr. Twaddle said. “Our committee has shown a strong desire to protect our water supply and I look forward to working with all of our members to continue this commitment,” said Twaddle.
Bill was the chair of the then Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Board of Health in 2000, during the Walkerton Water crisis. He was a councillor for the City of Owen Sound when he was first appointed to the Source Protection Committee as a Municipal Sector representative in October, 2007. Since joining the Committee he has been representing a group of municipalities that includes the City of Owen Sound, Municipality of Meaford, Town of the Blue Mountains and Municipality of Grey Highlands. In addition to his Municipal sector role on the Source Protection Committee, Mr. Twaddle also served as Co-chair of a Technical Advisory Working Group.
Mr. Twaddle worked as a newspaper journalist for about 30 years and has spent the past 15 years as Community Development Coordinator with the Alzheimer’s Society of Grey Bruce. “When I moved to Owen Sound in 1967, I did so because it is a place where I could raise my family in a safe, healthy environment and I want to do everything I can to make sure that other families have the same opportunity,” said Mr. Twaddle.
More information on the drinking water source protection program is available on the local Drinking Water Source Protection website:
Carl Seider, Project Manager at (519) 470-3000 ext. 102 or e-mail
Karen Gillan, Communications Specialist at (519) 470-3000 ext. 108 or e-mail