For Immediate Release
Owen Sound, Ontario – October 4, 2010 – The Source Protection Authorities for the Saugeen, Grey Sauble, Northern Bruce Peninsula Source Protection Region are pleased to announce the recent
submission of the Proposed Assessment Reports to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. The Assessment Reports, one for each of the three Source Protection Areas, will be considered by the
Ministry for approval.
The Proposed Assessment Reports identify areas that supply water to municipal drinking water systems. It determines the types of activities that are, or would be, threats in those areas. Water quality and quantity issues are also identified.
“This is an important milestone in the locally driven program,” Source Protection Committee Chair, Mike Traynor commented. “These reports are the main building blocks to protecting our drinking water resources.”
The next phase of the program is creating Source Protection Plans for each Area. These Plans will include policies to reduce the risk of contamination and overuse to local drinking water sources. The local Source Protection Committee will be developing comprehensive, responsible solutions for identified drinking water threats within the Proposed Assessment Reports.
“The local knowledge of the Source Protection Committee will help create practical recommendations and policies for the upcoming development of Source Protection Plans,” Chair Traynor concluded.
The Proposed Source Protection Plans are to be submitted to the Ministry of the Environment by August 20, 2012. Over the next two years, the Committee will: continue studying the Source
Protection Region; decide on appropriate steps for identified significant drinking water threats; and consider the possibility of recommendations for low or moderate threats.
Comments that were received on the Proposed Assessment Reports and attendance at the public meetings were greatly appreciated. To view the local Proposed Assessment Reports or for more information visit:
Don Smith, Project Manager, or 519-470-3000 x101
David Ellingwood, Program Supervisor, or 519-470-3000 x102